
GBC Scientific GeminAA Plus
GeminAA Plus atomic absorption spectrometer with flame emission capability. Flame and Graphite Furnace Tandem System. Comes standard with air-acetylene and nitrous oxide-acetylene burners and furnace/flame universal autosampler.
- Flame and Graphite Furnace Tandem System.
- Automatic switch over from flame to furnace and vice versa via software.
- Automatic searching of optimum burner height.
- Deuterium background Correction.
- Self absorption background correction.
- Electronic Sample Viewing (ESV).
- Gases are all computer controlled.
- Auto ignition via software.
- Wavelength range: 190 – 900 nm.
- Spectral bandwidth: 1 – 2.0 nm.
- 1,800 l/mm holographic grating.
- All Titanium Burner heads adjusted automatically via software.
- Universal furnace/flame autosampler included which can accommodate up to 133 samples and five 25 mL modifiers.
- Furnace temperature range from ambient to 3000°C.
- Maximum Furnace Temperature Rise Rate: ≥2000°C/s.